
個人資料(私隱)政策聲明 , 「本公司」及「我們」其屬下主管人員,管理層及員工必須時刻對本公司從閣下處所收集及/或儲存及/或傳送的個人資料(下稱「個人資料」,如中國香港法例第486章,個人資料(私隱)條例(下稱「私隱法例」)所釋義)保密,並妥善保存。請閱讀以下條款以了解 LancaClean 個人資料(私隱)政策聲明(下稱「聲明」):

1. 聲明範圍

此聲明覆蓋閣下成為本公司的會員,在本公司登記或閣下要求我們提供服務時所收集及處理的個人資料。本聲明陳述我們如何使用閣下的個人資料; 我們收集閣下的個人資料類別; 我們如何保障閣下的私隱; 及閣下在個人資料上的權益。

2. 個人資料之收集

2.1) 為提供本公司的產品及服務,閣下會在下列情況下被要求提供個人資料:登記成爲網上帳戶,瀏覽我們網頁,與我們進行消費交易,參加成爲我們的尊貴客户或會員(「會籍」), 進行網上獎勵積分兌換,購物抵用券或折扣券呈請,向我們提出或反映意見,及/或我們需要核對閣下之身份。 2.2) 我們會要求閣下提供以下個人資料,包括但不限於,閣下之姓名,聯絡電話,電郵地址,通訊地址,性別,出生月份及日期,年齡組別,付款詳情,訂單及消費詳情,送貨詳情,職業,學歷/專業資格,及/或個人興趣。 2.3) 所有個人資料將會在自願,公開及公平的基礎上收集。某些個人資料對於特定服務而言是必需的。 如閣下未能就各項特定服務的要求而提供此等個人資料,我們將可能無法向閣下提供相關之產品或服務。 閣下如向我們提供個人資料,即確認閣下是在公平合理的情況下向我們提供有關個人資料。

3. 收集個人資料的目的

LancaClean 將會收集閣下的個人資料以作下列用途: 3.1) 向閣下提供由 LancaClean  / 其服務供應商(受聘於我方以協助向閣下提供服務)提供之各項產品或服務。 3.2) 執行閣下之指示或回應閣下之垂詢; 3.3) 一般市場業務推廣,包括為閣下設計其他產品及服務並推廣 LancaClean有份參予之產品或服務 (唯只限於以上第3.1段之範圍); 3.4) 就 LancaClean 的任何相關產品或服務付款,包括與第三方(如銀行、財務機構、或其他支付平台)核實付款資料; 3.5) 以使閣下能夠使用 LancaClean 網站、或 LancaClean 其下任何網站所提供及/或通過其他電訊途徑所提供的網上服務; 3.6) 就 LancaClean向閣下提供任何相關產品或服務而進行身份識別及核實; 3.7) 建立及處理客戶關係,包括但不限於LancaClean 營運之會籍; 3.8) 調查投訴、懷疑可疑交易、及提升服務研究; 3.9) 成為客戶資料庫之一部分,以配合LancaClean 之運作;及/或 3.10) 遵守中國香港(「香港」)或其他地區之任何法例、政府或監管機構之要求,包括 LancaClean 或其他類別之數據收集人須受制之披露或通告/具報要求。

4. 準確性

LancaClean 會採取所有可行之步驟以確保所收集的個人資料均為準確。LancaClean 歡迎閣下在登記或申請服務時及在閣下個人資料變更時提供準確/更新之個人資料。

5. 個人資料披露及分享

5.1 除非 LancaClean 在您登記時或在較後時間收到您的通知,否則,本公司可以在有需要時披露您的個人資料以達到收集此等資料之目的,向下述人仕披露您的個人資料: 5.1.1) LancaClean 之僱員及管理層; 5.1.2) LancaClean 管理、營運或轄下之牌子品牌 (唯其產品或服務只限於以上第3.1段之範圍); 5.1.3) LancaClean 之承辦商 / 服務供應商 (受聘於我方以協助向閣下提供服務); 5.1.4) 其他業務關聯方,如會籍計劃營運商,或在提供客戶服務或回應客戶要求過程中所牽涉的營運商; 5.1.5) 銀行、財務機構、信用參考機構、信用卡、扣賬卡、簽賬卡公司、及/或其他支付平台;及/或 5.1.6) 法庭或監管機構為回應傳票,法庭命令或法庭程序。 5.2 閣下所提供的個人資料亦可能是取自或被移轉至中國香港境外的其他司法管轄區作爲上述用途。

6. 查閱及更正

6.1) 閣下有權知道 : 6.1.1) 本公司之私隱政策; 6.1.2) 本公司是否持有閣下任何之個人資料;及 6.1.3) 本公司持有個人資料之種類。 6.2) 您可隨時修改或更正您的個人資料,包括您是否接受收取直接市場推廣,有關會員優惠,本公司新產品及服務的資訊,及/或取消閣下網上帳戶或網上會籍帳戶。 6.3) 閣下欲提出查閱或更正個人資料,可電郵致info@lancaclean.com。本公司在接納有關查閱或更正要求時,在接納其要求的真確性及有效性後,會盡力依從該要求,並在法例規定的期限內完成。 6.4) 依據私隱法例,本公司有權就查閱資料的要求而收取合理費用。

7. 保密及安全

我們非常重視您的個人資料私隱,因此資料保安工作是我們首要的任務。我們竭力確保您提供的個人資料不會在未經許可或意外的情況下被盜取、盜用和刪除。我們有一套實質的、電子化的及程序化的保安措施附合保護個人資料的規定以保障您的個人資料。在網上傳送所收集的個人資料時,本公司可能應用SSL等編碼技術傳送。 儘管如此,閣下應小心妥善保護閣下之會籍或網上帳戶、密碼、付款及信用咭資料、送貨資料,以免在未經授權的情況下被讀取。

8. 個人資料的保存


9. 此聲明的修訂

9.1) 我們可以不時修訂本聲明。如果我們在使用個人資料的規定上作出大幅修改,我們會在 LancaClean 網站當眼處張貼告示,通知您有關修訂。您同意有關告示已能提供足夠通知。 9.2) 有關修訂後,如您繼續使用此網站內的產品或服務即表示您同意有關修訂及受到有關修訂之約束。

10. 直接市場推廣

本公司可不定期聯絡閣下提供我們最新的產品及服務資料 / 會籍計劃。如閣下不願收到此類最新資料,請登入https://www.lancaclean.com取消訂閱。閣下亦可經電子宣傳文件回覆選擇拒收,或電郵我們致info@lancaclean.com。根據法例規定,本公司會依從您的要求,不會再將您的個人資料作為直接市場推廣之用。除非本公司按上述方式收到您的另行指示,否則本公司可將所有收集到的個人資料作一般直接市場業務推廣之用。

11. 連結第三方網站

LancaClean 網站可能與第三方網站連結,唯該等網站或有其他私隱政策,並完全與本公司獨立處理。對該等網站之内容及個人資料如何收集,一概與本公司無關。在提供個人資料予該等網站前,閣下應小心閱讀及理解該等網站之私隱政策。

12. 聯絡我們


13. 一般事項

13.1) 在會員申請表上簽署、或成爲帳戶、或註册成爲會員、或繼續瀏覽 LancaClean 網站,即表示閣下已同意上述條款。 13.2) 以上所述的中,英文版本有所差異,一概以中文版本為準。 13.3) 此聲明受中國香港法律所管限。如當本公司的運作受制於中國香港以外的私隱法例時,本聲明將可在可行並與該法例相符的情況下實施。 生效日期:2024年8月1日

Personal Data (Privacy) Policy Statement LancaClean (“the Company” and “us”) and its officers, management and employees must always be aware of the collection and/or storage of and by the Company from your premises. Personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”, as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Ordinance”), Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong, China) shall be kept confidential and properly stored/or transmitted. Please read the following terms to understand the company Personal Data (Privacy) Policy Statement (the “Statement”):

1. Scope of declaration

This statement covers personal data collected and processed when you become a member of our company, when you register with our company or when you request us to provide services. This statement states how we use your personal data; the categories of personal data we collect from you; how we protect your privacy; and your rights in relation to personal data.

2. Collection of personal data

2.1) In order to provide our company’s products and services, you will be required to provide personal information in the following situations: register for an online account, browse our web pages, conduct consumer transactions with us, participate in becoming our valued customers or members (“Meetings”). Membership”), redemption of online reward points, petition for shopping vouchers or discount vouchers, giving or reporting comments to us, and/or we need to verify your identity. 2.2) We will ask you to provide the following personal information, including but not limited to, your name, contact number, email address, mailing address, gender, month and date of birth, age group, payment details, order and consumption details, delivery Details, occupation, academic/professional qualifications, and/or personal interests. 2.3) All personal data will be collected on a voluntary, open and fair basis. Certain personal data is required for certain services. If you fail to provide such personal data for each specific service request, we may not be able to provide you with the relevant products or services. By providing us with personal data, you confirm that you have provided us with the personal data on a fair and reasonable basis.

3. Purpose of collecting personal data

LancaClean will collect your personal data for the following purposes: 3.1) To provide you with various products or services provided by LancaClean / its service providers (engaged by us to assist in providing services to you). 3.2) To execute your instructions or to respond to your inquiries; 3.3) General marketing business promotion, including designing other products and services for you and promoting products or services in which LancaClean is a part (but only within the scope of paragraph 3.1 above) ; 3.4) Pay for any related products or services of LancaClean, including verifying payment details with third parties (such as banks, financial institutions, or other payment platforms); 3.5) To enable you to use the LancaClean website, or the services of LancaClean Online services provided by any website and/or provided through other telecommunication channels; 3.6) Identification and verification of any related products or services provided by LancaClean to you; 3.7) Establishment and processing of customer relationships, including but not limited to Membership operated by LancaClean; 3.8) Investigate complaints, suspected suspicious transactions, and improve service research; 3.9) Be part of a customer database to facilitate the operation of LancaClean and/or 3.10) Comply with Hong Kong, China (“Hong Kong”) or any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements in other jurisdictions, including disclosure or notification/notification requirements to which LancaClean or other categories of data collectors are subject.

4. Accuracy

LancaClean takes all practicable steps to ensure that the personal data collected is accurate. LancaClean welcomes you to provide accurate/updated personal data when registering or applying for LancaClean’s services and when your personal data is changed.

5. Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Information

5.1 Unless LancaClean receives your notification when you register or at a later time, LancaClean may disclose your personal data when necessary to achieve the purpose of collecting such data, and disclose your personal information to the following persons: Personal data: 5.1.1) Employees and management of LancaClean; 5.1.2) Brands and brands managed, operated or managed by LancaClean (only its products or services are limited to the scope of paragraph 3.1 above); 5.1.3) Contractors/service providers of LancaClean (engaged by us to assist in providing services to you); 5.1.4) other business related parties, such as membership programme operators, or in the course of providing customer service or responding to customer requests Operators involved; 5.1.5) Banks, financial institutions, credit reference agencies, credit card, debit card, charge card companies, and/or other payment platforms; and/or 5.1.6) Courts or regulators in response to subpoenas , court order or court proceeding. 5.2 The personal data you provide may also be obtained from or transferred to other jurisdictions outside Hong Kong, China for the above purposes.

6. Review and Correction

6.1) You have the right to know: 6.1.1) LancaClean’s privacy policy; 6.1.2) whether LancaClean holds any of your personal data; and 6.1.3) the types of personal data that LancaClean holds. 6.2) You may amend or correct your personal data at any time, including whether you accept receiving direct marketing, information about membership benefits, new products and services of the Company, and/or cancel your online account or online membership account. 6.3) If you wish to access or correct your personal data, you may email to info@lancaclean.com. When LancaClean accepts a request for inspection or correction, after accepting the authenticity and validity of its request, it will try its best to comply with the request and complete it within the time limit prescribed by law. 6.4) In accordance with privacy laws, LancaClean has the right to charge a reasonable fee for data access requests.

7. Confidentiality and Security

We take the privacy of your personal data very seriously, so data security is our top priority. We endeavour to ensure that the personal data you provide will not be stolen, misappropriated and deleted without permission or accident. We have a set of physical, electronic and procedural security measures to protect your personal data in conjunction with the personal data protection requirements. When transmitting the personal data collected online, the company may use encoding technology such as SSL to transmit. Nonetheless, you should take care to properly protect your membership or online account, password, payment and credit card information, shipping information from unauthorized access.

8. Retention of personal data

Unless in violation of relevant laws, your personal data will be kept until the original purpose of collecting the above data is achieved.

9. Amendments to this Statement

9.1) We may revise this Statement from time to time. If we make substantial changes to our rules on the use of personal data, we will notify you of the changes by posting a notice prominently on the Well Belief website. You agree that such notices provide sufficient notice. 9.2) After the relevant revisions, if you continue to use the products or services on this website, you agree to and be bound by the relevant revisions.

10. Direct Marketing

LancaClean may contact you from time to time to provide our latest product and service information / membership plan. If you do not wish to receive such updates, please log on to https://www.lancaclean.com to unsubscribe. You can also opt out by replying to the electronic promotional document, or email us to info@lancaclean.com. According to the law, LancaClean will comply with your request and will no longer use your personal data for direct marketing purposes. Unless LancaClean has received further instructions from you as described above, LancaClean may use all personal data collected for general direct marketing business purposes.

11. Links to Third Party Websites

LancaClean website may be linked to third party websites, but those websites may have other privacy policies and are entirely independent of LancaClean. The content of these websites and how personal data are collected are not related to LancaClean. Before providing personal information to such websites, you should carefully read and understand the privacy policies of such websites.

12. Contact us

If you have any questions about this statement, please email to info@lancaclean.com.

13. General

13.1) By signing the membership application form, or becoming an account, or registering as a member, or continuing to browse the LancaClean website, you agree to the above terms. 13.2) In case of discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions of the above, the Chinese version shall prevail. 13.3) This statement is governed by the laws of Hong Kong, China. If the operation of LancaClean is subject to privacy laws outside Hong Kong, China, this statement will be implemented where practicable and consistent with such laws. Effective Date: August 1, 2024